Nazioarteko Arte Esperimentalen Jaialdia
Experimental Arts International Festival
Festival Internacional de Arte Experimental

Azaroa - November - Noviembre 2020

Program 123 KB

Katalogo 1,4 MB

Follow us on ∏-node 

∏-node is a radio collective that is creating its own media and 
networking with other experimental and political radios 
∏-node is an experimental platform for the development of hybrid web/FM radio formats e.g. ∏-node was running the ANTIVIRUS RADIO during the first wave of lockdows where during 100 days 200 people produced at home for each other 
Through the interlinking of different approaches, tools, technologies and networks a decentralised broadcast structure will be established where each of the network’s nodes serves to both receive and transmit information. Such a structure seeks to break with the classic one-way communication scheme, substituting it with a horizontal peer-to-peer model. π-node wants to explore the many dimensions of radio – its 
physicality (ether, radio waves and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwidth, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of production and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (free radio and pirate radio movements), and its legislation. Most importantly, π-node 
also wants to examine the future role and potential of radio in a time when everything is going digital. 

GARRANTZITSUA: Edukiera mugatuak. Emanaldiak ikusteko nahitaezkoa da maskarak erabiltzea eta eskuak garbitzea. Sarreran zure datuak eman beharko dituzu. Ekitaldi guztiak FaceBook Live bitartez zuzenean jarrai daitezke FBko MEM Bilbao gunean, eta gure Vimeo kanalean ( egongo dira aurrerago ikusgai.

IMPORTANTE: Aforos limitados. Para asistir a estos actos el uso de mascarillas y lavado de manos es obligatorio. A la entrada deberás dejar escritos tus datos. Todos los eventos podrán ser seguidos a través de FaceBook Live desde el sitio de FB de MEM Bilbao y en diferido a través de nuestro canal de Vimeo

IMPORTANT: Limited capacity. To attend these events the use of masks and hand washing is mandatory. At the entrance you must leave your data written. All events can be followed through FaceBook Live from MEM Bilbao's FB site and delayed through our Vimeo channel: