Joseph O’Neill “Needless alarms”

"Needless alarms 1", Joseph O’Neill



"Needless alarms 2", Joseph O’Neill

"Needless alarms 2", Joseph O’Neill

"Needless alarms 4", Joseph O’Neill

"Needless alarms 5", Joseph O’Neill

Needless alarms: In this series of photographs titled “Needless Alarm" I used the sculpture from Lord Frederic Leighton titled “Needless Alarm" as a reference point. Wanting to capture the essence of this sculpture but in the photographic medium. I posed my models trying to replicate this pose with my photographic aesthetic creating images that are elegant. This process involves the model looking at the art, internalizing the art, and then expressing what they saw as the pose. Because art often lacks words while expressing complex emotion, the different models express slightly different focus in each photograph based on what they felt was the stronger, more important body gesture. In this way I use the conversation between the muse piece of art, the model, the photography and myself to create a new sculpture.
Joseph O’Neill